
End of Holiday


Every year in America there are thousand even million of people drink milk every single day!


Why the ratio of American getting osteoporosis rate is higher?Aren't there suppose to be healthy everyday?Why we never saw African getting this kind of disease more frequently than American?


The problem is very simple. Because American every meal also eat meat!

Meat Property:

Animal protein is the most abundant in meat.Animal protein is very acidic.As more acidic substance is inside human body,human body will try to remove it by using calcium in bone to neutralize the acidic substances.
More meat+more milk=not healthy.
Please take note that not everyone can absorb that high amount of calcium in milk to form bone.

End Of Holiday~~Happy Osteoporosis~~

1 comment:

  1. make your holiday perfect enjoy the life in a secure manner.
    maldives holidays
